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How it works
Register with your phone number
Book Hotel
Book room from your preferred hotels or recommended by us
Earn Rewards
Earn Stay coins for every booking you make
Earn rewards with every booking
You can earn Stay coins when you book a room, or refer our app to your friends and family.
Birthday Bonus Points Await! Earn extra Stay coins for Booking on your birthday moth. Celebrate and Reward Yourself!

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Frequently Asked Questions
Making a booking is easy! Simply download our app, create an account, search for your desired destination and travel dates, browse through the available hotels, select your preferred option, and proceed to book with a few simple clicks.
Yes, you can easily modify or cancel your booking through our app. Simply go to the "My Bookings" section, locate your reservation, and follow the provided options to make the necessary changes or cancel your booking. Please note that modification and cancellation policies may vary depending on the hotel and rate selected.
We accept a variety of payment methods for your convenience, including major credit cards, debit cards, and online payment platforms. The available payment options will be displayed during the booking process.
Once your booking is successfully completed, you will receive a confirmation email containing all the details of your reservation. You can also access your booking confirmation within the app under the "My Bookings" section.